by admin | May 9, 2017 | Yoga blog
AWAKENING KUNDALINI Dynamic Osho Meditation by Angelique What did I learn at the Osho International Meditation Resort “Don’t let anything condition you, Let go of all your conditioning. Simply witnessing, just be it totally. Just be, don’t do it!” – Osho I...
by admin | May 4, 2017 | Yoga blog
A substantial remedy for happier living by Lianne Metcalf You will find no McMindfulness here—start your day in a happy, substantial way Are you ever disappointed that you can’t seem to sustain and maintain practices of health? Do you go on exercises tangents?...
by admin | Mar 17, 2017 | Yoga blog
EMBODIED CHAKRAS By Lianne Metcalf Somatic intelligence is a really good thing when examining the chakras! Why? Because often we sit outside of our energy centres examining – opposed to experiencing. Somatic application is the process of recognising how we, as...
by admin | May 4, 2016 | Yoga blog
By Laura Escudero ChakraDance(TM) is a healing, meditative dance journey through the 7 chakras. Using free flowing movement (NO background in dance needed just an open mind) with specific music from different cultures and guided imagery we dance to connect with our...
by admin | Jan 29, 2016 | Yoga blog
Perhaps I just have a vivid imagination but I like to try to embody or emulate the postures which I’m working with. Bakasana – The Crow, my hands become bird feet , my legs tucked into my body – a splendid set of wings, and my toes – delicate...